Our Story

During the summer of 2020, Indigenous artist and entrepreneur Josué Rivas saw a portal opening in the consciousness of humanity. Antiquated paradigms were fading as we entered a transformational moment. With mentorship and support by Quiet and the counsel of community members, Rivas was enabled to sit, breathe, and ultimately dream. Together, they wondered: what would happen if all our relations collaborated in a circular way and kept the creator at the center of our creative practice? The vision for INDÍGENA emerged and the organization was founded in November 2021. 

Storytelling has become a product and a means for extraction. We have forgotten that storytelling is a tool for humanity to better understand ourselves and our place in the universe. INDÍGENA returns storytelling to its center - as a channel to connect and support one another. 

Currently, industries create stories to serve consumption. In doing so, it takes as much as it can from every aspect of the process. It takes from the storytellers, the communities whose stories are told, and from the audience. Relationships are transactional to serve the bottom line.

But, when storytelling is viewed as a sacred tool, we treat every person as a co-creator. Collaboration emerges with all relations honored in the process. It becomes regenerative. Everyone involved feels like they are giving and receiving. 

INDÍGENA combines ancestral knowledge and innovation with a focus on process over output in storytelling to create powerful, purposeful, and intentional creative experiences. Our work reminds us of the highest potential of storytelling: to be a vessel for collective awakening and transformation of consciousness. 

We ignite paradigm shifts by telling stories with past, present, and future generations.